Far and away my favorite shirt of all time, this is in my mind the quintessential black metal T-shirt. The design is so simple and timeless. I beliece it dates back to the Promo 94 period but I'm honestly not sure. If anyone knows exact details that would be great! The writing on the back is Norwegian which I do not speak. It's just my favorite shirt ever, my default T-shirt for concerts, paper thin and perfect fit, and one of my most prized possessions.
VERY nice! This was in many ways THE band to beat in my opinion. Well, at least when it comes to their first three albums, the rest are a bit sub-par I feel. To this day Under the Sign of Hell remains my favorite album.
YES! I agree, I think their first three albums are the quintessential Norwegian black metal records, even more than Transylvanian Hunger or Hvis Lysett Tar Oss or anything -- they are just so raw and scathing. Agreed, after Pest left I think they became something much more showy (but still good in its way).
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LaUlvenDrepe on
VERY nice! This was in many ways THE band to beat in my opinion. Well, at least when it comes to their first three albums, the rest are a bit sub-par I feel. To this day Under the Sign of Hell remains my favorite album.
Heineken666 on
the back is AWESOME !
Betrayer666 on
YES! I agree, I think their first three albums are the quintessential Norwegian black metal records, even more than Transylvanian Hunger or Hvis Lysett Tar Oss or anything -- they are just so raw and scathing. Agreed, after Pest left I think they became something much more showy (but still good in its way).