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Exciter Long Live The Loud

Wed, 22/01/2020 - 06:27

Lim. 5

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Exciter Long Live The Loud

Doomgarlic's picture

Never heard the band but the design, style and execution is great! Looks like something you'd order based off a small black and white sketch at the end of a magazine, tear off ordering label etc. :)


You’ve never heard Exciter..?

NDillon's picture

I heard once that all Canadians are legally required to own merch from Exciter, Voivod, and at least one Ross Bay band. Can you confirm?


I can in fact confirm. Until they do, they’re not allowed any maple syrup!

NDillon's picture

Harsh, but fair.

satanachist's picture

Looks great!


Thanks man!

Backwoods Heathen's picture

This patch looks tight! but it leaves out the boobies so i'm awkwardly conflicted.

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Recent Comments

  • Stephen O'Malley is the author of this zine right?
  • I’ve waited forever for this. So happy
  • Imo studs are always an upgrade!
  • Very nice looking and diverse!! !!
  • Very nice cult LP. But thrash with an H please.
  • Agree ! Killer release !!
  • Agreed, these are absolutely brilliant in person! I feel tempted to get an extra pair!
  • Thanks, they sure do! And this being one of my fave albums definitely helps... I kind of want to get two more!
  • I like this vest until I noticed you extended the length of the vest by sewing strip patches on the bottom.
  • Me wanty
  • fucking great tshirt !!
  • Holy smokes this is nice. I mean unholy smokes…
  • Love the studs.
  • Nice great release !
  • GONE --> Dissection (BOTH), Mgła (BOTH), Xoth, Inexorum; Ulcerate, Inferi, Goratory
  • I see, he makes some really good patches indeed.
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