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KoRn Patches

Wed, 18/04/2018 - 18:00

Original KoRn - Life Is Peachy Patches,
Licensed to G.Merch.

Not for sale or trade

Year: 1997
KoRn Patches
KoRn Patches

SOAD4.0's picture

top patch looks like its been to a GWAR show....?

Unjustifiablexistence's picture

Why? It's in pretty good shape

SOAD4.0's picture

GWAR is known for spraying the audience with "blood" and other colored fluids during their shows (its fucking awesome!!). I thought for sure the blue stains were a result of that.

in any case its still a kickass patch!

Unjustifiablexistence's picture

To me it looks like the patch was made like that! It had the blue since I got it! You think it's been drawn on or something? I have seen it in all grey but I just assumed I had a different version? Never really questioned it cause it looks so legit!

SOAD4.0's picture

I'm almost certain it's stained. I've never seen that patch colored before. But in either case it's badass!=

Unjustifiablexistence's picture

You might be right! Fits so perfectly though.. Anyways thanks for the flames!!

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