The patch was sewed on, but still with the border and print in a (very) good shape. Also, I noticed the patch is slightly different than the version I already have in my collection (see picture 4 for a side by side comparison).
The differences are: 1) Slightly different shade of yellow. 2) The pitch fork is red. 3) “The Number of the Beast” is printed over the thunder, rather than the thunder is printed over the text. 4) The blue color is less prominent (see pants).
This patch was mend for trading but since it is a slightly different version, this patch is going for retirement in my collection \m/
Great Patch! And the Copyright begins under the D and on the other Version under the I of the Logo!
Heavy Metal Chemist on
Thanks Voidcrew! I didn't even notice that little difference.
It keeps surprising me how many different versions there are of "the same" patch. Especially Killers is crazy with all these versions. As far as I know there are at least 6 different version of that one.
Have a Look at the Copyright of this Version:
Heavy Metal Chemist on
Man...that licensing is even under the A! If you wouldn't have pointed it out I would probable never even noticed.
So maybe another one to add to my collection...pffff...It never stops man...It never stops :D