Black Sabbath - Born Again bootleg patch
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ThomasThrash on
Cool! Just not a big fan of the Born Again artwork. Looks very well made and in great condition for 1983 \m/
Reinhardt on
Artwork's good for Disturbing the Priest!
Eternal Nightmare on
Someone voted this a bootleg... is it? I’m having a hard time trying to figure out if these are actually official from 1983.
TRV3Y on
it’s a bootleg.
Eternal Nightmare on
Not at all being rude dude, but how do you know? I’d just like some origin story of them then. I find the copyright being there to be odd.
TRV3Y on
border is the new type of borders, the weaving is not correct. also, the dude who made those made a few others, here’s one:
TRV3Y on
Eternal Nightmare on
Ahh, ok then, well that’s disappointing. Thanks for your help on this!
DisgustingSemla on
Based on the style of weaving it definitely looks a lot more similar to patches made in recent years than the ones made in the 80's
Reinhardt on
Years ago bought it online from Riffs Merchandise, price tag was fairly big and it was said to be original. How do you tell that it’s bootleg?
Eternal Nightmare on
Same, I just bought one from them for €10. They have their “last copy” still up for sale and they put it up to €15. I’m just wondering why a bootlegger would put a fake copyright on it when there was no original patch to go off of?
Reinhardt on
Well fuck me sideways... I paid around 30€ years back. Now I feel like a fucking fool.
Giova on
Bootleg patch i got the vintage from 1983 And it doesn't look like anything I have ;)