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Type O Negative - October Rust Songbook

Sun, 26/07/2020 - 11:41

October Rust songbook in good condition for sale!

Type O Negative - October Rust Songbook
Type O Negative - October Rust Songbook

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Recent Comments

  • Incredible and amazing jacket. Great job 🎵🤘
  • price?
  • Damn, I wish I could have went... Very nice shirt, mate!🤘
  • Awesome!!! really nice bands selection
  • Agent Orange!
  • A rather ghoulish Mick!
  • Right on!
  • Love the King Gizz - Great!!!
  • Awesome - great stuff!! Sehr geiles Teil! 🤘🏻
  • The A.ir C.onditioner smells odd.
  • But do you have the coupon for October Rust that came with it? Once I move I'll dig my copy out.
  • Dollar tree had a bunch of the DVDs about 15 years back....had I known it wasn't a misprint, would've grabbed
  • Inoculation gone
  • Their best album, wish I could find that shirt in black. I was playing this CD in a chic's car & she says &q
  • Nice. Can't get the reverse to expand in order to read the letter but cool regardless.
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