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Signed Machine Head items

Metal Panther 54
Fri, 24/04/2015 - 01:28

I got all of these signed when me and my friend went to see Machine Head play in Pittsburgh back in February. We bought the VIP package which included a laminate, a poster, a poster flag, and a koozie. All of the guys were really nice and laid back, they played a killer show for a sold out crowd. I would definitely see them again and even pay to meet them again.

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2014
Signed Machine Head items
Signed Machine Head items
Signed Machine Head items
Signed Machine Head items
Signed Machine Head items
Signed Machine Head items

meaningless's picture

damn nice items..very nice

Nater90's picture

Awesome as! Can't wait to see them in June \m/

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