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GWAR chalice

Tue, 12/07/2016 - 01:26

Bought these chalices at GWARbar in RVA. Green one is mine, red one is for my gfs boss.

Not for sale or trade
GWAR chalice
GWAR chalice
GWAR chalice

satan's radish's picture

I would love a whole set of these.

Pan's picture

Same here, though one is enough. They're heavy bastards too, but it's good they don't feel fragile.

Into Glory Ride's picture

Cool. The design looks like out of the Gorka Morka / Warhammer 40K Universum.

Pan's picture

Thanks dude! I can't say I know what that is, but it sounds rad.

Into Glory Ride's picture

Warhammer 40K is a Tabletop System from Games Workshop and Gorka Morka is basically a spin off where deranged and warmongering Orcs drive on cool looking offroad cars and fight each other to death in deserts. Basically that's it, yeah.


Der Todesking's picture

Warhammer was a big influence for Bolt Throwers lyrics & especially artworks in Realm of Chaos/Warmaster era!
Cool chalices btw!

Into Glory Ride's picture

Yeah, that aswell of course! Some paintings were even created exclusively for Bolt Thrower i think.

seandmuir's picture

Are you selling this?

Pan's picture


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Recent Comments

  • Any chance it’s for sale?
  • Any chance it’s available?
  • very nice... where did you get that sargent D patch
  • very nice vest.. lots of classic patches
  • Dude really nice vest !! lots of bands I have never heard of, Also I never seen the wormrot goat patch...
  • If you ever make em in 2XL again, I'll get one
  • Yeah i still have it. I'm not really have plans to sell it, but a serious offer can be offered
  • https://www.pulltheplugpatches.com/products/aggression-from-hell-with-hate?variant=44405069414632
  • freshly printed? you selling these?
  • No problem, glad to help!
  • Thank you for helping me i really appreciate it.
  • Click on group history and it will bring you to a screen full of all the posts in the group.
  • Found it sorry, lol
  • I see where it says group history but how do I remove it?
  • Open the group page and click on "Group History", then you can remove whatever posts you accidentally added!
  • Awesome shirt!! Would you ever consider selling or trading man? I have some killer stuff
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