i believe it hasn't been reprinted since then guess I got lucky when I got mine. though for other AP flags check Inherited suffering and Amputated vein records I think they have some up but not this album.
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ThomasThrash on
To be honest I never listen to these guys but the art on here is awesome!
forest johnson on
If you like slam at all I highly recommend them one of the best albums to date for the genre! and Par never lets down for art
ThomasThrash on
I rarely listen to slam, but I check this out, thanks \m/
Ananda on
Any idea where I could get one? Everywhere its sold out :(
forest johnson on
i believe it hasn't been reprinted since then guess I got lucky when I got mine. though for other AP flags check Inherited suffering and Amputated vein records I think they have some up but not this album.