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Quake 1 and 2 woven patches

a chicken
Fri, 05/05/2023 - 18:31

Got these from a trade, don't know who made them sadly, the detail is awesome

Only Quake II is for trade/sale

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Quake 1 and 2 woven patches

Corrosive's picture

It's an old Retaliation Prods release.

a chicken's picture

Oh damn, just read your old instagram post, so sorry things didn't work out with the prod :c if it's any consolation these are actually two of the first patches I traded for and are honestly some of my favourites <3<3

klenha's picture

fuuck i need this one

a chicken's picture

I got them from a person in the Battle Jacket Gallery+ Patch Trading Post on Facebook, I can't remember their name sadly, but they were definitely from Greece, hope you can find the seller dude🙏

bad_american1992's picture

Very cool!!!

a chicken's picture

Thanks very much🙏

SpinWeasel's picture


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