I've spent many years on this website with different accounts and it seems, that many users still don't know, how to write proper questions under an item post or to write at least some useful thoughts.
Under this topic I would like to collect some productive ideas as an intent to bring back quality comments to this site.
As a prime example I would like to use the comment section of an fictive vest with patches, as these items receive usually the most comments.
These suggestions ARE recommendable:
- If you like the vest, write a positive feedback to the user, but do not forget to write, why this vest is in your opinion a good one, or what makes this vest so special for you in the first place.
- If you don't like for example the result of the sewing or the placement of the patches on this vest, just write to the user your personal ideas, how it could be done better in the future and please don't forget to write, how your suggestions can be effectively achived.
- Always write your questions, if you would like to know something about this item. For example, you would like to know, where the user got the patches / buttons / the vest itself etc., just ask the person about it.
These suggestions ARE NOT recommended:
- If you do not like the bands or symbols on the vest itself for irrational reasons, that your own musical, artistic, political or philosophical taste is superior to the user in question, never accuse someone because of it. Everyone has their own beliefs and opinions, just accept this fact and ignore it, as this website was not designed for the discussion of such topics in the comment section.
- NoMeansNo. If a user didn't would like to sell or trade the patches on their vest, do not further try to convince him to do so with offerings and so on. You can avoid such questions, when you look at the top right of the screen, where it is written, if this item is for trade, sale or not.
- Do not comment 'price?' on posts that are for sale, there's a whole sentence above the comment box on never discussing prices or buying in the comments which often gets overlooked (small suggestion maybe make that text white instead of grey so it stands out).
- Do not write comments on archive posts asking about trades or sales, it's an archive account. It isn't a real user who will reply, its just an account for archiving old deleted posts. Have questions about the patch, its manufacturer, etc, sure, but you are relying on another user to potentially see that and reply to you.
If you feel, that you're unable to deal with such simple advices, maybe it is time to abandon your account on this site and to surf on a social media site of your choice, where you can get your 15 minutes of fame in your safe space.
Please write your own suggestions, as I would like to collect them in these two lists.
doctordeath on
+1, if the above is too hard for you, simply send a PM to me and go back to Facebook with the other idiots :)
I will happily delete your account and your facebook-style comments
MortalCoil138 on
I feel its important to add, if you don't like a specific person, patch or vest, ignore it. No point starting arguments over something stupid.
Agree - everyone's taste is going to be different, comments like "Your jacket sucks cause MetallicA are lame" are just not needed. Move on, find a jacket or tshirt you like and leave a positive comment.
Same with Distros / Patch makers - Dont like their style, no need to bag them out. Just move on you will find something you like, then comment on that.
MortalCoil138 on
Yeah absolutely, the only thing I disagree with is about patch distros, fair enough it you don't like their style, but I would draw the line at unethical business practices, but even then, no need to argue about stupid shit
doctordeath on
yup, personal insults and improvable "opinions", repeating gossip from other people etc are not tolerated
Yes I agree with unethical business practices, but it has to be real. not like "they are charging to much" or sooking about postage costs. If people pay and dont get the product or they are using false advertising I totally agree with you
Total agreement on this one. I've changed the first sentence in the ''not recommendable suggestions list'' a bit, as I like, what you have written to this topic.
Greaserjlg on
Doctordeath said it best: "You know what's not metal? Sitting around throwing insults at people over the internet."
Absolutely! I think, that this statement could be applied to life in general. Some people just need to shut down their computer for a while and to do more stuff in real life.
doctordeath on
3 people were just deleted without notice - a mexican for breaking the TSS rules by uploading NSBM stuff for sale that he printed, and two others for contributing to the argument
go back to facebook, please
doctordeath on
One more person deleted, user was deleted for writing extremely abusive comments
doctordeath on
two more people deleted, asilayasded and amin7.62 for writing abusive racist comments
doctordeath on
6 people deleted today so far for being abusive, whos next?
Goldberg !!
doctordeath on
i dont understand
never mind. Wrestling reference. His catch phrase was "Whos next"
no karate in pit on
I got that reference
doctordeath on
two more people deleted without notice - SilverAngel and MetalVenom for writing abusive comments
guys please, this is not facebook
Odradek on
Thanks for cleaning up the userbase!
Especially SilverAngel was always very annoying.
doctordeath on
Only cool people here man!
doctordeath on
8 people in 24 hours, keep it coming, be a jerk and not metal and get deleted
doctordeath on
merry xmas 'gm666' from poland - you are deleted for being abusive!
guys - be cool, or you get deleted without warning, be metal! not some jerk at home your keyboard
ZillaMunster on
I like the post, i feel reminders like these keep this place more positive. May I suggest some additions for the ARE NOT section;
-Do not comment 'price?' on posts that are for sale, there's a whole sentence above the comment box on never discussing prices or buying in the comments which often gets overlooked. (Small suggestion maybe make that text white instead of grey so it stands out)
-Do not write comments on Archive posts asking about trades or sales, its an archive account. It isn't a real user who will reply, its just an account for archiving old deleted posts. Have questions about the patch, its manufacturer, etc, sure! but you are relying on another user to potentially see that and reply to you.
Thanks for your suggestions. I've added them to the list.
doctordeath on
toxic comments reduce other peoples willingness to be involved - this is why - for 16 years - we have no tolerance for negative people here
MortalFate on
Wikipedia has a lot of inaccurate information. And don’t allow corrections, even if not toxic.
doctordeath on
please stick to the topic at hand
VoodooChild on
I agree with all these above!
My personal one I hate is the people that keep begging for selling or trading. I am not a trader or seller. Not irl so def not here.
The DoctorDeath created this site with the option of making it imo VERY CLEAR what the purpose of the upload is.
Every post has a label stating if someone wants to get rid of it or not. My items are all NOT FOR SALE OR TRADE.
Still they DM me or comment. So I put it in my bio. Something you come past before clicking on my items.
Still they ask.
The main reason btw I have this random profile pic is that I used to have the same profile pic as on all my social media. And some reverse google searched me and started to DM me on places like insta to buy since I ignored on TSS. It didn't happen much.. only 3 times so far. But 3 times too much.
First time I was friendly and literally send the person a link to the same place I had bought the item literally that month (it was a new item atm for me too)
I got this reply:
"Yes but the website is too expensive, I offer you (2/3 of the price I paid). I ofc said no. Person called me greedy.
Next 2 I blocked before answering.
On top of this site is stated: "World's largest community of heavy metal tshirt and battlejacket collectors." which to me sounds like this is mostly to show your collection. And with collectors of things trades ofc happen. That's natural. But some people imo use this like some kind of eBay or even an online store and become very surprised you happen to like and use your own stuff you show here.
Darklord on
Too many people here who think others care what they think. There's an old saying, opinions are like...well you know.