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Whiplash Battle vest (WIP)

Sun, 04/06/2023 - 11:33

Work in progress, i wanted it to look vintage and old school but i dont have money to get vtg patches
Whiplash is only printed from local rock metal shop in my city, the boarder is not original, i made it from old socks, idk i feel like its not it, imma repost when i finish the front side fully.

Not for sale or trade
Whiplash Battle vest (WIP)

stepand's picture

I’ll hook you up with a woven whiplash from 2012 for free hmu

TrifkeThrasher's picture

Thats sound nice, i will text u soon, thank you dude so much!!

BerachMalina96's picture

Jebacki okvir!!! DIY

TrifkeThrasher's picture

Daa, ti si mi inspiracija, ali za leto ću koncem uraditi

BerachMalina96's picture

Drago mi je drugar, srecno s tim :P
Mada i ovo ti solidno izgleda ovako iz daljeg ne znam za iz bliza samo usij bolje, i probaj usiti na prisivak da ti bude kao deo njega.
Zapravo mi se jako svidja kako izgleda xD

TrifkeThrasher's picture


Das_Gstoich's picture

Patch border from old socks? Fuck yeah! Great style!

TrifkeThrasher's picture

Thanks man!

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Recent Comments

  • Full flames! Great longsleeve
  • Those were the times!
  • How much did you get this for and when?
  • How much did you get this for and when?
  • SOLD
  • I wanted to show where the patch was placed....and want to have extra pics. Why do you care?
  • I wanted to show where the patch was placed....and want to have extra pics. Why do you care?
  • Thx dude 🙌, it was an awesome line up 🔥 hope you see them soon. Cheers 🍻
  • it has the modern invasion (australian) black goddess back hit print. maybe a aussie exclusive item?
  • Sick one!
  • One of the better Mantis patches I've seen. Looks awesome! Where'd you pick this up at?
  • I have this one but the arms are cut off I've only seen one of it till now
  • Thats awesome lol
  • Totally agree. I saw them at Cornerstone 1995 and recorded the show.
  • ahahaha that's brilliant
  • Nice I remember listening to this cassette in my Trans Am..
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