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Reencarnacion South American Hell Assault

Juan Gonzalez
Mon, 16/09/2013 - 01:23

ARRGGHHHH only South , Central and Mexican Bands! ONLY THE BACK !

Not for sale or trade
Reencarnacion South American Hell Assault

whiteravenmetal's picture

arggghhh that bp! Nightmare rules, sick jacket

Juan Gonzalez's picture

asi es loco! Saludos!

oldschoolbear's picture

Wow, excelente esos de Survival y Mortuary
pero creo que el mejor es ese del Perdition of Souls

Blüdrayne's picture

nice work with reencarnacion, but where's wrathprayer??? Force of darkness?

Juan Gonzalez's picture

Force of Darkness the Chilean band , wish I had a patch , but wait ... this is my vest lol

Blüdrayne's picture

They're a really cool band. Nice one on the concept though. Dont see enough love for the south american black metal/DM bands.

Juan Gonzalez's picture

I have seen that Force of Darkness has only released on material a split , I love Nebiros from Colombia , same goes with King ( death/Black metal ) Alcoholic Rites from Ecuador , the Chilean Alcoholic rights 2/3 , I like Kythrone from Chile too , I'm more into black / Thrash - Death / Thrash bands , there are also sick bands from California , check " Apocalypse Demons " from Vile mass , great Black Thrash , I also love Death metal bands from South America like Colombian Deathkult , Morbid Macabre , Masacre , Cancerbero from Chile , check our Enemy's debut EP " Exterminio " you can hear awesome brutalized riffs on their song " Condena Eterna" and there are lots of bands from the underrated south american ! cheers again ! jajaja

Claudandus's picture

I used to have that same Alcoholic Rites patch, sadly it got lost. But I still have that Anal Vomit patch on my jacket.

Zkythe's picture

awesome! you sewn the slipmat on as backpatch! genius idea :D
but where is Witchtrap?
where Nightmare is must be Witchtrap too

Juan Gonzalez's picture

My Witchtrap Patch hasn't arrived yet , I got it dirrectly from the band , also a Dirges and a Legacy patch , I have a bunch of stuff that a friend of mine from Colombia is saving me to send me a big pack (Y)

CxMxD's picture

hahaha got the same rp50 digitech pedal as you


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