Motörhead Simple jacket
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Speed or Bleed on
thats great dude, need a bit of dust, but i love the choice of bands, also a killer button of Witchfinder General
yeah its still a bit pristine haha, took it to HOA but it needs more dirt (tho i took it off for whiplash because else it would be brown now)
Rayearth on
im looking for this backpatch for 3 years , 6 Flames !
PForx on
Sweet backpatch!
Nice one dude.
ThrashLikeIts86 on
This is amazing, I must find that Sin After Sin patch someday!
bad_american1992 on
That's a sick throw-over! Nice vintage feel. Love that BP too
Judas Priestess on
Really nice, I'm currently doing something similar.
Demolition_hell... on
Looks great!
Nater90 on
Damn nice! Love the BP
Syrinx 2112 on
Vet Jelle!
Oldschool on
Te gek om m'n oude backpatch terug te zien, ondanks wat gedoe heb je geen woord gelogen; hij staat super bij dit nieuwe project. Echt een vintage uitstraling, maar waar heb je zo snel nog een Deep Purple vandaan? :P
bedankt! ik had er twee liggen, echt een van de beste patches :P