Hi, do you have any info about where this jacket comes from? Recently, bought one just like it and just wanting to learn more about its origin. So far have seen something about a fan club on another site.
Hi, I did buy this from another fan/collector and he doesn't remember exaclty where he originally got it - it's either from a show or the officvial rushbackstage online store. The 'showtech' on the tag indicates that it's official merchandiese, since 'showtech merch inc.' is/was the band's official merchandiese company.
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Greenpopsiicle on
Hi, do you have any info about where this jacket comes from? Recently, bought one just like it and just wanting to learn more about its origin. So far have seen something about a fan club on another site.
brogli on
Hi, I did buy this from another fan/collector and he doesn't remember exaclty where he originally got it - it's either from a show or the officvial rushbackstage online store. The 'showtech' on the tag indicates that it's official merchandiese, since 'showtech merch inc.' is/was the band's official merchandiese company.