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Discharge Punk Rock Leather Jacket

Mon, 24/02/2014 - 15:57

My old jacket. Used to be my dad's, started wearing it in high school. He officially gave it to me when I graduated, started adding shit. The Cobra logo was kinda an unofficial logo for my group of buddies, back when I lived in a punk house. 'The Oaf' was my old punk rock nickname. Yes, that's a real coyote face. I got married in this fuckin' jacket! Semi retired now, because while I can get away with patches on my jacket at work, studs and a coyote face would be a little much. Usually only worn for gigs with Gnarly Skull, my punk rock band. Quite a few spikes are missing, they've been used on gauntlets and other stuff.

Not for sale or trade
Discharge Punk Rock Leather Jacket
Discharge Punk Rock Leather Jacket

Elimkhan's picture

Wath a fuck is on Sleeve ?

Claudandus's picture

Looks like the fur of a small canine to me.

Ragnor's picture

As stated in the description, it's the face of a coyote..

ulfskeptr88's picture

looks very crust-punk...good to see something different here and there

Ragnor's picture


PForx's picture

Really fucking nice! The coyote is fucking awesome.

Ragnor's picture

Thanks! It's especially effective when I ask people to 'give me the gasoline, just walk away.'

Nater90's picture

Bad ass! Ah MadMax how I love them movies!

Ragnor's picture


Bayernpirat's picture

Mad max rules, can´t wait until next year to see the new movie "The Road Warrior"

SallyTheScumberjack's picture

Thats so fucking cool! Taking crust punk to the next level

Nine Turning Mirrors's picture

Amazing jacket, the coyote really makes it special! I'd loe to see a picture of this jacket, while you wear it, just to see how the coyote face looks then.

minejumper's picture

This one looks very Mad Max indeed.

Morbid_Welshman's picture

The ultimate jacket to piss off the Vegan-Brigade!

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