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Graveland My vest

Wed, 29/04/2020 - 11:31

My vest, I’m pretty happy with the back so far although I still need to start on the studs. The front has a few patches on it but I want to show that when it’s complete..

Not for sale or trade
Graveland My vest

Frossetake's picture

Killing vest! full flames!

playingriffs's picture

Thanks mate, appreciated!

Frossetake's picture

I look forward to the front of the jacket ;)

Izzy's picture

That's a pretty fantastic BM vest!

playingriffs's picture


Joel's picture

Very nice!

Ahn's picture

Shiiiiiit! Looks awesome! I do like that version of the Satanic Warmaster patch!

playingriffs's picture

Thanks! Yeah I both versions, the other one being my favourite but I dunno how well it would fit in that space.

Anger of Freya's picture


Jonathan666's picture

WOOOW, man...!!

Now this is the definition of ASTONISHING!!!

LegionWerewolf's picture

Very cool looking! Are the runes from a band?

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