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Misfits $5 Thrifted Leather Jacket

Sun, 10/11/2024 - 19:56

Despite the fact that this is traditionally a forum for metal, I think this is a neat submission. I thrifted the jacket for $5 (and a Sex Pistols pin) at a Salvation Army. The cashier took $5 off for no particular reason. She then took another $5 off because she thought my music taste was great. I also made most of the pins.

I may sew a back patch onto it. It will likely be Misfits or Green Day since that's what shirts Walmart has for cheap lol.

Also I will be making a Crass arm band. I just have to wait for the Crass patch to arrive

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2024
Misfits $5 Thrifted Leather Jacket
Misfits $5 Thrifted Leather Jacket
Misfits $5 Thrifted Leather Jacket
Misfits $5 Thrifted Leather Jacket

no karate in pit's picture

some good ole punk

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Recent Comments

  • hell yeah bro gotta love the embroidery! and aphex rules
  • If you ever come across other Humiliation patches, please hit me up!
  • Embroidered so it will never flake away! Cool to see some Aphex Twin merch here
  • Is this one from metal devastation?
  • Stephen O'Malley is the author of this zine right?
  • I’ve waited forever for this. So happy
  • Imo studs are always an upgrade!
  • Very nice looking and diverse!! !!
  • Very nice cult LP. But thrash with an H please.
  • Agree ! Killer release !!
  • Agreed, these are absolutely brilliant in person! I feel tempted to get an extra pair!
  • Thanks, they sure do! And this being one of my fave albums definitely helps... I kind of want to get two more!
  • I like this vest until I noticed you extended the length of the vest by sewing strip patches on the bottom.
  • Me wanty
  • fucking great tshirt !!
  • Holy smokes this is nice. I mean unholy smokes…
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