After more than 8 long years, I finally have a vest on my hands. As far as I remember I actively started seeking a vest since 2017 and this year I finally found a black denim jacket from which I cut the sleeves off.
Now I didn't wanted to post this vest until it was fully complete but I do need a bit of an advice. The pictures below are mockups, as you may tell from edited stuff. The things that trouble me are marked with multiple X's. In their place will be patches with traditional patterns (see picture 3), but I am not sure which color they should be.
I don't want to break the white-gold pallette with another color that I have on the back, so do you guys think it would work considering the front? I think a more toned down colors, rusty gold for example, would do better in order not to draw the attention away from the patches.
Anyway these patches will be custom made according to the shapes of the marked parts and with whichever color I choose (as long as a thread with that color exists).
On a side not all of the patches on the back except for Varathron and Rotting Christ are sewn on, as well as almost the whole front right except for Skálmöld and Metsatöll symbol. The left side only has the Metsatöll and bottom 3 patches sewn, so that side is subject to change as there is still space and I'm waiting for some patches to arrive. That's why some of those band names are written on the vest, it's where their patches need to go.
BTW the Огњена Кочија patch on bottom back will also be like dark gold. And the drawn shield on front will be a Menhir Thuringia patch.
Tell me what you guys think and if you like my idea 😁😁
DISCLAIMER: Some bands on the vest use traditional symbols which are prone to misinterpretation due to those symbols being stained by certain ideologies. All of the bands use the symbols for the purpose that they have in their traditions, and are in no way tied to modern interpretations.
Thiellus on
Pure Pagan Poetry. Very clean. It’s ready for pillaging!
DukeThylacine on
Thanks! 🔥
Bochilis on
We get it, you’re straight edge
BerachMalina96 on
Did you even read what the guy said? xD
wE gEt It ☝️🤓
Bochilis on
Not a jokester huh
BerachMalina96 on
Wasn't much of a joke either tbh
Bochilis on
Have a good day
foot gobbler on
Love the color scheme on the back
DukeThylacine on
Thanks! 🤘🤘
MalevolentSilver on
At least you tried to be different
Superfly on
backpatch art is cool, what’s the history?
DukeThylacine on
Now that you asked, I'm not really sure. I've met the band members on 2 shows but I haven't asked about the art. If you ask me guys on the left are Estonians fending of all the evils that plagued their lands throughout history.
But yes the art style is very interesting. If you go to Metal Archives you can see that almost all of the album covers are in that style. And as far as I've read on the web, the style is drawn from an Estonian children's movie "Suur tõll" (clips of which are present in music video "Vaid vaprust"). But I really haven't researched if there's a specific artist behind this style or maybe even a whole movement.
Thanks, now I have a new topic to bother the band about 😆
Superfly on
very cool
nekromantikern on
the back is really cool
DukeThylacine on
Thank you!