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Morbosidad Mercyful Fate/Bestial Holocaust Vest; NunShallDefy

Tue, 13/12/2011 - 18:27

The Battle Leather

The "Nuns have no fun" backpatch is cut-out from a shirt.
Not even close to being finished

Not for sale or trade
Battle Jacket - Mercyful Fate/Bestial Holocaust Vest; NunShallDefy
Battle Jacket - Mercyful Fate/Bestial Holocaust Vest; NunShallDefy

necrophil's picture

Where is the Mercyful Fate Backpatch from?

Phosphorous_Redeemer's picture

He cut it out of his old "Nuns have no fun" shirt. He was looking for an actual backpatch, but they are much smaller and look tiny.

finlandiavodka's picture

I do have a bootleg "nuns have no fun" backpatch. It's even bigger than a normal backpatch.

Phosphorous_Redeemer's picture

From where? I was referring to the official hhr backpatch.

finlandiavodka's picture

I traded it, I don't know where it's from...

Bombenhagel's picture

Cool vest especially the Mercyful Fate Backpatch but why is there an D.R.I patch (I like D.R.I) but on a "black Metal" vest ?

Phosphorous_Redeemer's picture

haha thats just his tastes. They arent all black metal. Once he finishes the vest you will see other patches of thrash and even punk bands. His music tastes is very vast.

Terroristic-Hammerings's picture

I assume its your GF talking but it just sounds funny on here how it is worded

Phosphorous_Redeemer's picture

No it was me, idk maybe i was in an odd mood. My girlfriend hates tshirtslayer out of jealousy, haha! And she thinks i flirt with women on here or something.

Terroristic-Hammerings's picture

haha same with my GF! she gets mad cause I'm always on here!

Phosphorous_Redeemer's picture

Are you shitting me? I thought I was the only one whose girlfriend hated tshirtslayer! Who else has a girlfriend with an agenda against this site??? hahahaha! (my girlfriend read this and got mad)

HellPreacher's picture

nope not trading it

HellPreacher's picture

haha! had that one for about 3years I think got it from hells headbangers

HellPreacher's picture

my dick has a better vest, hello fucking kitty

Panthorder's picture

Wkere you get Bestial holocaust bp? Want it too!

HellPreacher's picture

got it from my friend who runs Blackdeath Coven Records but it was the only one he had, think it came from distro in Greece

Zango's picture

Hey dude! If you're still looking for the Bestial Holocaust backpatch I think they still got some at warheadshop.

HellPreacher's picture


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Recent Comments

  • Awesome! Are you actually considering wearing this?
  • 100% reliable. i can vouch for them all day. right now its the time for people to come up on higher end cradle tees.
  • Cool shirt, but this is a modern shirt tag, not 90's
  • I bought her dusk longsleeve with vamp tag. Definitely a reliable seller.
  • thank you! this one is dying with me.
  • Great shirt. Very rare.
  • Not a big fan of the mask since I can't stop associating it with boneheads but the gloves look cool
  • thank you brother! im so in shock i own this. so unreal.
  • thank you brother! still in shock i finally have this one
  • Congrats on the grail, bro!
  • 😍😍😍😍
  • where did you get it at?
  • FINK DIAL!!!!
  • so tuffff
  • They just announced they will be touring Europe this year, ask your local promoter and maybe it will work out
  • at Poser 667 (poser667productions.nonstop-merch.com)