TShirtSlayer Heavy Metal Merch Gallery
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Darkthrone The Empress' Jacket

King_Pancake's picture

Real nice

gizter's picture

i like it, some cool bands.

rusty74's picture

Love that dark throne patch

Nine Turning Mirrors's picture

Unleashed and Opeth are a bummer, but that's just my taste. Rest is pretty amazing, especially that mighty backpatch!

Seany Genovese's picture

Might replace either the Opeth or Xasthur patch with Emperor. Y/n?

Nine Turning Mirrors's picture

Not the Xasthur one, it's one of my favourites on here, haha :P

Erin1029's picture

One of the only jackets I've seen look pretty good with not many patches

minejumper's picture

Nice layout, some ace bands.

stevenICB's picture

Man, I need a Zounds and Larm patch. Great mix of stuff on here, especially the Maiden patch.

cfrink20's picture

Love it all, but I especially love that Zyanose "Isolation" patch! Where did you get that?

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