My denim jacket.
Plenty of appreciation for my favourite band UFO on here.
As well as my custom backpatch dedicated to another passion of mine, Burton Albion Football Club.
Shout out to Dave (Turn_the_Hell_on) for sendin' me that Girlschool patch as a gift. Cheers!
Demolition_hell... on
Cool vest!
MetalBrewer on
Cheers man!
Cardboardcity on
What a beauty! I love how crisp and clean it looks while still being loaded with classic patches and lots of colour. Nice to see some Midlands brewing pride too 🍺
MetalBrewer on
Cheers my man!
I did have an old denim that I had for years, loaded with signatures, Scorpions, UFO, Priest, etc. But it was a bad fit.
Hoping to get it framed professionally at one point.
Lookin' forward to some normality and live music with this on soon! 🍻
Heavy Metal Chemist on
That is a what I call a Killer vest! Wonderful 'old school' layout and some awesome patches. Great inspiration for my old school style vest. 🤘😄🤘
MetalBrewer on
Cheers Jeff.
That's gonna' be one hell of a vest - you've got quite the collection!
bad_american1992 on
Old school gold! Really like this one Mr. Brewer. That custom BP is a nice touch as well, haha.
MetalBrewer on
Thanks Mike!
My close friends weren't born in the same town as me and support other clubs.
So the BP has been met with a lot of, "What is that shite!" 😂
isnah on
Nice one! Reminds me of German football jackets but more band patches than the football ones.
MetalBrewer on
Cheers fella!
Yeah, I've seen those before - always interesting seeing different fans culture abroad.
Cosmoblaze on
Very neat vest! I dig it! Needs a Quartz patch. =)
MetalBrewer on
Good shout!
I've got their official, 'Satan's Serenade' patch on my old denim.
Southern Rocker on
Great vest, I really want one of those Tygers pins, and that Bronz patch, Max Bacon was an amazing singer.
MetalBrewer on
Cheers my man, keep an eye on eBay UK for that Bronz patch!
Crops up all the time.
Left Hand Patch on
Marseille patch looks superb on there.
Great vest.
MetalBrewer on
...with thanks to you Rob!
I'll get you a pint if our paths ever cross.
KayLuca on
Awesome patches and I really love the Tygers of Pan Tang Pin🤘🏻
MetalBrewer on
Cheers! Love the ol' enamel pins.
George thrash on
Hey brother lovin that white spirit and praying mantis and Samson, in fact all of them a great!
MetalBrewer on
Thanks George! NWOBHM is definitely my jam. So many great bands of that era to discover.