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Katharsis Black Metal battle vest - and Pentagram

Mon, 20/06/2016 - 05:38

Took me a while to finish this vest. There were a lot of different versions I played around with. The Nuclearhammer and Behexen patches are t-shirt cut outs that I never wore. Nothing on the front. I was thinking I might put a few spikes but not sure yet.

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2015
Katharsis Black Metal battle vest - and Pentagram
Katharsis Black Metal battle vest - and Pentagram

stevenx's picture

Very sick.

Cbower's picture

Really cool look and layout! Evil in clean black and white. Great job. Spikes would be a nice finishing touch I think

Nater90's picture

Some wicked bands, Always thought that Xasthur patch was tad derpy. Great band though.

S.O.J.C.'s picture

Yeah I wasn't sure about the Xasthur patch but it was the one I liked the most to place in that spot.

morkilla's picture

killer vest

DevilzForce's picture

Too busy for my liking. Do like the bands


Hella rad, love the Revenge patch, & Nuclearhammer shape looks sweet

S.O.J.C.'s picture

Thank you all

jjfowler's picture

really really nice. great job!

Crushthemall's picture


SCURVY's picture

keeping it black and white! Nice brother, really dig it!

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