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Taake Another vest update

DonLittleDuck's picture

Thank you kindly Doc! I placed them on the inner pocket so the black/white/red theme going on the outside is not bothered.

BloodFireDeath's picture

Awesome vest, absolutely love that bathory/venom patch!

DonLittleDuck's picture

Thanks man!

Corvus Corax's picture

Very nice!

DonLittleDuck's picture

Thank you!

LadyMetal's picture


DonLittleDuck's picture


Thiellus's picture

Nothing short of a work of art. I love the placement of the patches and the white on black with just a hint of red in the right spots, has such an awesome aesthetic and very clean design. And of course that Taake backpatch rules.
5 massive flames for this!!!

DonLittleDuck's picture

Thank you for the feedback I'm glad you like it!

Nater90's picture

Wicked update. I'm with everyone else that Venom Bathory patch is just epic.

DonLittleDuck's picture

Thank you! It seems to be the all time favorite!

DonLittleDuck's picture

Thank you! Yeah I agree they are great!

TheeKvltOv's picture


DonLittleDuck's picture

Thanks man!

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