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1914 'New' battlejacket/old and new patches after changing the vest

Mon, 18/04/2022 - 10:41

There it is! My completely 'new' battlejacket. It isn't really 100% new, most patches remain the same, but I've changed the vest, old one from teenage times doesn't really fit anymore and because of the bigger cut out at the front top, there was too less place for more patches. So I transferred most of the old patches to new vest. I also added some new bands, taste of music has also changed a bit. Hope to take it to many concerts soon. I think also changes will follow some time :)
Because many people ask it: the "Police" sign is the old one of my grandfather who was a Detective at German Police. It was always my dreamjob when I was a child, he is a hero of my childhood, so I decided to put it on as a tribute to him.
Hope, you like my new piece of metal, have a nice day!

Not for sale or trade
1914 'New' battlejacket/old and new patches after changing the vest
1914 'New' battlejacket/old and new patches after changing the vest
1914 'New' battlejacket/old and new patches after changing the vest

MortalFate's picture

Awesome jacket! Layout is solid. Is that a licensed Ozzy BP?

geezer_kilmister's picture

Thank you very much, mate! Yes, it's an official backpatch, although it hasn't got a license label

geezer_kilmister's picture

Yes, it is! Bought it almost ten years ago from a seller on Facebook group

CelticFrostedSnowflake's picture

Siiiiiick! So jealous of that back patch, and real cool too see Eisbrecher

geezer_kilmister's picture

Thank you very much! Yeah, I really like Eisbrdcher, was one of my first bands I ever listened to

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