Vanderbuyst - Dutch Hardrock Assault shirt (+Barry's drumstick)
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I wonder why it's always the heavy/speed metal bands that have the more fucked up drumsticks and why the ones from Repulsion and such are seemingly okay hahaha
BeefCakeAssThrash on
Was actually wondering the same thing yesterday..
biteyourself on
Haha, he chewed on it or something! Or maybe it hits the rim of the drum or something? But I think that should be flat or not? Well.. I'm no expert haha
BeefCakeAssThrash on
I think it's the hitting of the rim indeed.. Just funny how you wouldn't expect Vanderbuyst's sticks to look like this. My drumsticks from Repulsion, Morbid Saint, Deceased and even Brutal Truth look almost mint, but then from Tygers of Pan Tang, Tank and this one.. they look quite fucked up haha
nwobhmbanger on
I almost thought that drumstick was a part of the design. :P
BeefCakeAssThrash on
haha that would be quite cool, actually!
TheWitchburner on
Vanderbuyst = altijd feest. Toffe lui ook.