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GOREFEST-false direct merch orig. 1992,U.S.A. version, t-shirt, size L

Fri, 24/04/2015 - 18:30

GOREFEST-false direct merch orig. 1992,U.S.A. version, t-shirt, size L, print and material in very, very good condition

Not for sale or trade

Year: 1992
More: Gorefest TShirts Gorefest Patches
GOREFEST-false direct merch orig. 1992,U.S.A. version, t-shirt, size L
GOREFEST-false direct merch orig. 1992,U.S.A. version, t-shirt, size L
GOREFEST-false direct merch orig. 1992,U.S.A. version, t-shirt, size L
GOREFEST-false direct merch orig. 1992,U.S.A. version, t-shirt, size L

doomy1's picture

this is their greatest album imo, and great condition shirt for its age

IAD's picture

yes, false it's one of my favorite DeathMetal album

meaningless's picture

interesting..first time(i think) i see it without tourdates on it

Gnarmouth's picture

Please sell me this! lol

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