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Kreator - Pleasure to Kill - Backpatch (Drakkar 1986)

Sun, 29/09/2024 - 20:13

Original vintage patch - and yes, the real deal. As RnReiner, (owner of the only other version here on TSS) stated some years ago, this ultra rare piece was sold through Drakkar Promotions in 1986 and could be seen before on the battle jacket of Infernal from Desaster.


This one is battle worn and straight from a vest from the late 80s! \m/

Trade Only

Year: 1986
Kreator - Pleasure to Kill - Backpatch (Drakkar 1986)
Kreator - Pleasure to Kill - Backpatch (Drakkar 1986)

HermanTheGerman's picture

The holiest of grails! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 What a find!

Dante's picture

I agree, some people would surely have a pleasure to kill for this BP!

Skategoat's picture

Ah du hast die EBAY Auktion gewonnen. Glückwunsch :)

Dante's picture

Danke dir! Für den Preis ein Steal, wäre auch deutlich höher gegangen!

PRISM's picture

Glückwunsch auch von mir, unfassbar krasses Teil!

Dante's picture

Danke dir, Leon! 🤘🏼

Thiellus's picture

Fuck, this is amazing. I painted this artwork on a vest a few years ago, never in my wildest dreams considering I could get a hold of something like this. Really amazing piece!

Dante's picture

Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it pop up, a true piece of thrash history! \m/

Dante's picture

Just saw your painted vest - amazing job, mate!

Thiellus's picture

Danke, and hails! Great find on this BP... I'm sure you're torn between sewing it onto a jacket or just keeping it as a piece of art

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