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Omen Handmade patches for a friend

Thu, 02/03/2023 - 23:02

A couple of patches I painted and bordered by hand, for a friend :)

Not for sale or trade
Omen Handmade patches for a friend

fauzan big's picture

Awesome stuff!! Really love that Black Magic

Doomgarlic's picture

Insane! That Tyrant patch really looks the part and the other are great as well. How durable are these?

zzekk's picture

If you sew them on a part of your jacket that doesnt crease, they should last a long time without any flaws

Eknim's picture

These look so cool! The black magic one especially takes the cake for me. Did you use acrylic paint for these? Any tips for making them?

zzekk's picture

yes, I use special acrylic paints meant for fabrics, be sure to use the "opaque" kind when painting on black fabric, because there is also the standard version that is more see-through and works only on white/light coloured fabrics. Use nail art brushes, they are much smaller and more detailed than regular paintbrushes :)

Eknim's picture

Awesome thanks for the tips

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