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Curta'n Wall Crocodile Moat!!!!!!!

Fri, 02/02/2024 - 22:48

Official woven Curta'n Wall back patch for their Crocodile Moat!!!!!!! release on the pace-setting Grime Stone Records. One of Abysmal Specter's numerous projects that typifies why GSR is one of the most rewarding labels to follow. The woven detail on this patch is of a very high quality and the design captures well the intricacies of the eye-catching artwork. Curt'n Wall's logo and the album text are set forth in a style befitting the playfulness of a GSR release, which I personally appreciate. I originally missed the boat on these, so when they found six leftovers I had to move swiftly!

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2023
Curta'n Wall Crocodile Moat!!!!!!!

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