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Iron Maiden Newspaper clippings collection

Sat, 06/10/2018 - 10:54

3 full books of newspaper clippings, flyers and articles about Hard Rock and Metal concerts, events, bands and other stuff about Metal music. I working od book number 4.
Clippings are from 2006/07 till today.

Does anyone collect this stuff to ?

Not for sale or trade
Iron Maiden Newspaper clippings collection
Iron Maiden Newspaper clippings collection
Iron Maiden Newspaper clippings collection

meaningless's picture

i like the front cover..and u know which one :D ..hahahahhaha

HMSolja's picture

Yeah, I know which one :-D In some croatian daily newspaper is one nude girl every day with some funny text.

Kingknallo's picture

Who are the naked Girls ?

HMSolja's picture

I don't know, they are from croatian daily newspaper, every day is one girl with fake name and funny text, I think the girls are from british magazines.

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