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Motörhead Leather jacket

Melinda Cartee
Thu, 24/11/2022 - 04:02

My patches are falling off haha
This is my old jacket
I’ll post my vest and my other leather jacket soon after I finish sewing and painting it

Not for sale or trade
Motörhead Leather jacket

Das_Gstoich's picture

NICE! I thi

MortalFate's picture

I concur.

Das_Gstoich's picture

Oh my comment got sent before I had finished typing.
Well, what I wanted to write was, didn't lemmy had a pretty similar sheriff star on his jacket?
Is the let god sort em out patch from the Vietnam Era? Looks pretty rugged :)

MortalFate's picture

That definitely is a Vietnam War era patch. Cool stuff. Don't know whether Lemmy wore a sheriff's star.


That Iron Cross!

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