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Metallica Converse Ride The Lightning Shoes

Mon, 29/10/2012 - 10:53

Awesome! Picked these up in America.

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2012
Other Collectable - Metallica Converse Ride The Lightning Shoes

VoodooChild's picture

Cool shoes. Wanted to buy them. Then I just bought regular converse. Didn't like the transparant logo..

metalbass97's picture

oh yeah thats fine but the logo isnt transparent, its just made of different material

VoodooChild's picture

Then we have different shoes in mind..

metalbass97's picture

sorry. i thought you meant the actual metallica logo. you mean the converse logo on the side?

Blüdrayne's picture

i think the logo is transparent for the AJ4A model. i dont remember too well.

metalbass97's picture

yeah, im sure that's correct

VoodooChild's picture


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