TShirtSlayer Heavy Metal Merch Gallery
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Iron Maiden - The Beast On The Road World Tour '82 Patch 1982

Wed, 09/02/2022 - 06:08

Update Tue, 24/01/2023 - 16:13 - The information below is probably incorrect, this item was previously traded/sold.

One down and a few more rare ones to go!

Thanks to RottingChris on here for this one!

Not for sale or trade

Year: 1982
Iron Maiden - The Beast On The Road World Tour '82 Patch 1982

RottingChris's picture

Great you received it! My nickname is "RottingChris" btw :D

Bitch Butcher's picture

Hahaha sorry.
I'm satisfied with the patch really!
Thanks alot.

RottingChris's picture

No worries 😅
Up the Irons!

TheSlayers Slayer's picture

A beautiful patch \m/

SpeedManiac666's picture

Danke. Der und der andere den ich von dir geholt hab werden nen schönen Platz auf meiner Kutte bekommen🍻

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