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Iron Maiden Battle Jacket

Wed, 22/02/2023 - 00:40

Last summer, I decided that after >30 years of listening to metal the time had come to finally start my first battle jacket.

The idea was to make it somehow reflect my musical journey so far. Something my younger self could have made, had I started early on as the metalhead that I was in Germany in the early 90s. The main objective was of course to incorporate bands that had a huge impact on me and bands that I saw live. I also added patches of some modern bands because while I tried to achieve a vintage vibe with the overall style by avoiding fancy stuff like contrasting thread colors, odd shapes and colored borders (apart from the backpatch), I didn't want it to look like a "fake vintage" jacket.

"Live After Death" had to be the centerpiece as it was the album that really blew my mind when I first heard it. Two patches, "Die Ärzte" and "KISS World Tour", are actual vintage items that I bought 30 years ago, so they have a special meaning to me and were placed prominently on the frontside.

I eventually managed to complete it just in time for the Manowar concert last sunday, so it has already proudly been worn. Next week I will take it out again to see Beast in Black.

Not for sale or trade
Iron Maiden Battle Jacket
Iron Maiden Battle Jacket
Iron Maiden Battle Jacket
Iron Maiden Battle Jacket
Iron Maiden Battle Jacket
Iron Maiden Battle Jacket


This Kutte KILLS!!!
The cut back patches are nicely done, look thrash as fuck!!
And nice stud layout!!!

jeruhm's picture

Thank you so much!
It was my intention to give it a "thrashy" old school vibe with the blue denim and the generous use of pyramid studs. Glad it worked out.

Keeperofthesevenkeys's picture

Sehr schicke Kutte!
Ich mag die Idee auf der Vorderseite oben mit Metallica und Sodom. Waren das vorher T-Shirts?

jeruhm's picture

Master of Puppets war ein Backpatch. Ich hatte mir den "Live After Death" von Pull the Plug aufgrund der befürchteten Mehrkosten für Zoll & Steuer erst verkniffen. Weil mir die regukären gedruckten Live After Death BP aber überhaupt nicht gefallen (falsche Logofarbe), war dann Puppets meine zweite Wahl. Als ich dann doch den gewebten Backpatch bestellt habe, habe ich den Puppets halt so verwendet.
Sodom war ein billiges T-Shirt. Hinten habe ich vorher Bügelflies aufgebracht, damit es nicht ausleiert. Normale Agent Orange Patches waren schwer zu bekommen. Von daher war die Idee auch eher aus der Not geboren, aber letztendlich passt es optisch sogar recht gut im Zusammenspiel mit den Puppets-Soldatengräbern.

trendkilltony's picture

Supergut! Sehr kreativ und schön platziert alles! 1 A Kutte!

jeruhm's picture

Vielen Dank!

hillmann1975's picture

Kick ass battle jacket dude!

jeruhm's picture

Thank you brother!

KayLuca's picture

Top Kutte! Toller Vintage Style - besonders die obere Front mit Metallica und Sodom finde ich richtig gut gelungen.

jeruhm's picture

Danke fürs Lob. Da spricht der Fachmann, denn ich hab mal nachgeschaut und muss zugeben, dass ich mich schon ein bißchen in deine "Flotze" verguckt habe :D

waldpyk's picture

Great one! I've got a Dio patch on my jacket that I bought when I was 10. I'm 44 now so has been a long journey from there.

jeruhm's picture

Wow, you really had some good taste at a young age. I bought my first patches when I was 13 I guess. I even had a denim jacket at one point with two or three patches on it and some studs, unfortunately I never worked on a new one it after I outgrew that jacket. I did sew the "Kiss World Tour" patch to a beanie though and wore it that way for some time :)

Halo of Flies's picture

This looks great!! If you are bored check out mine. Would love your opinion

jeruhm's picture

Thank you, will do so :)

Umgo13's picture

it rocks!

jeruhm's picture

Thank you! I have worn it to a couple of shows over the past months and added a few studs and patches. Maybe I'll do more work on it during winter.

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Recent Comments

  • Time flies, doesn't it? This discussion reminded me of an issue of MAD I own. That's us :D
  • Same here, mosh it Up!
  • I will Check and Upload the articel
  • 🤘
  • hard
  • :D
  • Cool. Last time I was at Knitting Factory was over 1 year now. Black Label Society, Obituary, Prong.
  • Thought about this too, feels like we're getting old :C
  • My coworker's husband does the sound at the Spokane Knitting Factory
  • Perfect artwork or a jacket! Damn!
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  • Holy shit, haven’t thought about pedo bear in ages hahaha nice shirt
  • Hell yeah! Thanks Man! 🍺🔥
  • No doubt! Layout planning nonstop rn until I'm happy with it
  • Would you trade that Beherit patch?
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