I bought this on ebay from a guy in England a few years back for a reasonable price and I really have no clue whether or not it's authentic. The guy claims it is, it looks legit as far as I can tell, but these days it's so easy to bootleg stuff like this. Either way, it wasn't too costly and it looks great on my wall so I'm happy.
*This was for a European tour, with the support of Exciter, Anthrax & The Rods, that was canceled due to poor ticket sales.
Corey on
oh my god that thing is amazing!
agree, awesome +661 flames
madbutcher93 on
DOOOD i just fell in love thats fucking beatiful
Deathcore.Is.No... on
Uh-oh Metallica didn't sell out every venue they toured at. That calls for cancellation! Lol awesome poster though
devil40 on
I have this poster, awesome.