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Live Gig Review: Powerwolf Sanctify the Brooklyn Paramount โ€“ 9/14/24.

Electric Funeral55
Mon, 23/09/2024 - 04:17

Another great concert report from me in 2024!

Powerwolf with Unleash the Archers on 9/14/24 at the Brooklyn Paramount!

Read it now via Metal Insider!: https://metalinsider.net/reviews/live-gig-review-powerwolf-sanctify-the-...

slayerslayer's picture

i like your reviews , it seems theres a problem with the link to this one - The requested URL was not found on this server.

Electric Funeral55's picture


Metal Insider went through a period of migrating servers around the time this was posted.

The link should be working again. Thanks for you support

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