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Deceitful patch seller/buyer from here on etsy and ebay

Sat, 21/05/2022 - 21:04


Wasn't this made in 2021? He describes it as vintage from the 90s. This shop is run by a user on here. Runs an ebay shop, too. This man is a nightmare.

Thane's picture

He's an asshole, buying up limited patches and marking most of them up over 300%.... beware buying from him

MortalFate's picture


500% markup, at least. "Prviously owned". By who?

Brendon's picture

Lol this is the dude that bought my iron maiden killers bp at auction on ebay for about $30 and has it priced on there for 179.95 šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ lotta real common shit for upwards of $80 as well

ihatemusic's picture

Idiotic. I sold a Burzum back patch for Ā£10 and it was on Etsy for Ā£110 a week later. If I knew the person was a flipper with no interest I would have asked for more

MortalFate's picture

Maybe we should keep bumping this thread up.

Overactive Imagination's picture

He just bought one of my patches lmao!

MortalFate's picture

Let's see if it pops up on ebay.

MortalCoil138's picture

Was it the Death woven Human bp for $160 AUD? Because yeah that's up there

Into Glory Ride's picture

What a cockroach

MortalFate's picture

Am surprised he didn't block you all. He blocked the first few who spoke up. I blocked him, on my end.

MortalFate's picture

His ebay profile used to say North Las Vegas. Now Long Beach, CA. And he hasn't moved. Guess he's even lying about location on ebay. This dude uses the word "Scripture" to describe a bootleg Maiden patch but yet, is so cheap. Already well paid, too. Idiot even tried to dox me here for refunding his money so he can't profit on a patch I was selling.

Overactive Imagination's picture

The patch I mailed to him was the North Las Vegas address via Ebay

MortalFate's picture

Well, there you go.

MortalFate's picture


140 for a Carcass BP from PTPP. I won't be here much longer, but wise not to sell to or buy from this dude. He somehow is messing around with his ebay shop now, too.

MortalFate's picture

Just had to bump this sucker up again for entertainment. Already up and available!


Vintage 2022 Death, Individual Thought Pattern patch for sale at a 400% flip.

Kriegaz's picture

At this point, PTPP are complicit. They were made aware of this guy by numerous people, they obviously know him by name and address by now and yet he was still somehow able to buy literally 30 patches from them within the last week. They obviously don't give a shit.
Given their behaviour on social media recently, I'm not really surprised at all. Glad I haven't bought from them, and definitely won't be doing so now when this is the kind of thing they enable.

Into Glory Ride's picture

Which Social Media Behaviour exactly do you mean besides jumping on the ridiculous PrIdE-train and presenting "Square" patches as something exotic and amazing?

Kriegaz's picture

Basically that sort of stuff, and going on a virtue signalling ban crusade against anyone who even so much as laugh reacts their post about it and offers even nominal criticism. It's pathetic.

Into Glory Ride's picture

Hahaha that's pretty much what I would expect.
Plonk da Plonk.

no_teleology's picture

Their square patches are horribly ugly, you canā€™t just digitally copy paste the album art onto a patch and expect it to look goodā€¦they have no sense of graphic design either I mean their recent Venom backpatch is just terrible

Kriegaz's picture

Yeah, often whenever a small woven patch has about 400 colours in it and it's a design we've seen a thousand times already, you can rest assured it's PTP.

Into Glory Ride's picture

I am really a bit sick and tired that you see nothing but PTP-Patches flying around anymore here aswell.

Nuclear Bear's picture

So true

SOAD4.0's picture

Out of curiosity I looked at his sales for the last 3 months. On eBay alone, dude pulled in roughly $3k for about 50 patches. Not including shipping. It's nuts what he's charging but it's even crazier that people are actually paying.

Scalping is such a scummy practice, but as long as there's a sucker willing to pay, there's gonna be a scumbag willing to charge them.

MortalFate's picture

Spreading awareness about this man would help. If you see someone sell to him, point out to them that this dude is a scumbag. But since metalheads are supportive of bootlegging, I won't be surprised if some don't care. He isn't here to buy for collecting. He's here to stockpile and rip off others.

MortalFate's picture

For anyone who cares, this dude is now justifying his pricing by saying he's disabled (but bought a $400k house last year.) Also claims he used to run a sports memorabilia shop before some "injury". His last public profile, which is now hidden and can still be seen, says he's a truck driver.

He's now using disability to justify his pricing. When he's a truck driver who owns a $400k house.

Kriegaz's picture

I know the feeling. I injured my ankle once and just started charging people ā‚¬50 for Iron Maiden bootlegs. Can't be helped!

I'm not sure what his alleged and totally non-descript disability has to do with making a career out of being a full time scalper. That's the most utterly retarded excuse I've ever heard.
I'd almost respect him more if he just said "yeah, I scalp people because I know idiots will pay me extortionate costs for patches when I artificially inflate their scarcity by buying up things I don't even want so I can single handedly set their market value to overcharge people who couldn't buy them the first time because of me hoarding them". We all know it's the truth.

MortalFate's picture

Those bootleg patches will pay for the plumbing.

Kriegaz's picture

I noticed he's currently selling the PTPP Iron Maiden - Final Frontier patches on his Etsy shop for ā‚¬45 each, even though PTPP still have 4 out of the 5 borders still available, including the very exact ones he is selling, for their usual $10. Absolutely shameless.

MortalFate's picture

Cza2129 just deleted or completely hid the public profile mentioned. What a pathetic scumbag.

Edit: Now it's back up. Geez.

MortalFate's picture

More on how this moron operates. He acts like a collector when his goal is just to profit. He has a Leprosy embroidered BP that he wants to trade for specifically blue or orange bordered woven Leprosy BP. He sold a light pink bordered patch for 200 on ebay and has a dark pink bordered BP listed for 250. He wants to trade a patch he's listing for 150 for another patch he can sell for 250.

Beware of this petty greedy scum. He hasn't even responded to this thread. Should tell you everything about him.

Bolt Catcher's picture

He blocked me after I got him mad when I commented on his embroidered leprosy bp trade proposal haha, fucking guy.

MortalFate's picture

That's exactly how he works. Question his behavior, and he just blocks.

MortalFate's picture

His next band to capitalize on, Blood Incantation.


Let's see if these pop up on ebay.

Odradek's picture

He just listed one of the PTPP backpatches for 160$.

Bolt Catcher's picture

Watch him sell that Leprosy comic book back patch for $250 right when he gets it. Itā€™s pretty sad and laughable.

MortalFate's picture

He's a shameless POS. What goes around, comes around. He'll reap what he sows. This dude actually tried to insist in public on pretending to be disabled to justify what he does. He can barely move now, allegedly. I remember a photo he took of a patch showing him sitting in a chair with jeans and work boots with the patch in front of him. Totally despicable low life.

kidiot's picture

This was timely. I had one of his bolt thrower patches in my Etsy cart. Thanks for the info!

MortalFate's picture

Funny a Motley Crue fan would have Bolt Throweer patches. You're welcome.

MortalFate's picture

Bump. Someone finally left him negative feedback on ebay for charging $60 for a patch that can only be used once; Aces High Eddie head patch. Have one myself but sure didn't pay 60.

If he says anything about being disabled, dont believe him.
Pathological liar. Don't even believe he is a fan of any bands that he goes after. All he cares is to speculate what patches for the most demand bands can sell for to supplement his already decent pay rate.

Doesn't even put up a fight when called a liar, just laughs like a sociopathic loser.

MortalFate's picture

Interesting to note the dude doesn't use a single patch he bought from PTPP on any of his four jackets up.

MortalFate's picture

Here's the loser lying that PTPP only made 10 Iron Maiden, Alive After Death BPs with blue borders to justify his price.



Do yourselves a favor and don't sell or trade with him. There's no loss for me, thankfully.

MortalFate's picture

And these BPs are still available...

MortalFate's picture

The loser behind this actually reads this thread. Even changes the descriptions of his Maiden BPs to no longer be limited to 10. And raised the price another 20 before it sold.

And is hypocritical to his own religious beliefs. The irony.

MortalFate's picture

Another observation. Always comments on only patches, never shirts or jackets. Total joke.

Charles Gutierrez's picture
MortalFate's picture

Right. Coming from a dude who thinks cza is cool. Everyone else thanked me. So did my job.

Charles Gutierrez's picture

You have multiple posts about the dude. I just.. I don't understand why you hold so much hate in your heart x)


MortalFate's picture

You'd be surprised how many haven't see the thread. Only reason it gets bumped. I don't care to live with enmity. The God he worships will deal with him.

Djsodomizer's picture


MortalFate's picture

Dude's old ebay account is gone and established a new one.


Scumbag scalper.

MortalFate's picture

Heads up. This man will lie about anything and everything to get what he wants. He's pretending to be in his 20s now.

Beer.Browser's picture

If you didn't like PtPP you can just pay 400% on ebay, with $15 shipping. Lmfao

George thrash's picture

He can burn in hell

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