Countless hours later, this is finally complete! I may put some chains on the back, but I'm moving on to other projects for now.
Animal print fabric was cut, hemmed, and sewed on by me. Violent Force logo, Randy logo, speed metal wheel, and chaos star are hand painted with fabric paint by me as well. Probably over 100 hours in this thing.
Need to get the jacket re-lined before winter.
GoatWhore666 on
This thing is insane, I'm amazed by your painted logos!
ZauceBoss on
Thank you :) making stencils from card stock made it so much easier! I did freehand Randy though, that was tough!
fauzan big on
Awesome!! really nice oldschool style
bad_american1992 on
Impeccable vest man, the hand painting is fantastic!
Thrash Can on
I like what I see...