Started out as a jacket, then turned into a vest, I sewed on the sleeves again and then I turned it into a vest once and for all.
I traded an empty jacket for this jacket, the sleeves were already red and blue when I got it and there was a Riistetyt painting on the back, Doom on the front and the few studs previously on the jacket were removed by then, The rest was done by me, except fror the Gouka and Disclose logo which a friend painted.
cambotero on
love it man.
Doomgarlic on
Cheers, thanks!
T-skjort-Slaktarn on
Poff! Fortfarande råast!
Ursäkta en petig men var det inte en Tärveet Kädeet-målning på ryggen? Jag kan ha fel, elefanten är inte vad han en gång var.
Doomgarlic on
Rå från Råå.
Självfallet har mannen med elefantminnet rätt, Tärveet Kädeet var det. Jag rättar till.
T-skjort-Slaktarn on
Jag har länge varit förtjust i den här jackan. Den har sett helrätt ut i alla utföranden.
Born and raised in Råå, november 1982.
Lyx on
Looks Killer!
How much does it weight tho? looks rather heavy haha
Doomgarlic on
4 kilos, give or take. :) A lot more comfortable as a vest than a jacket.
grime81 on
Very heavy!
Doomgarlic on
Indeed. :)
I think my back thanks me for not wearing this any more. Then again, I usually haul around a large ass heavy backpack instead...
T-skjort-Slaktarn on
Tung ryggsäck (fyra av sju dagar i veckan eller mer) är en jämlik ersättare till nitjacka.
Nitjacka + ryggsäck = Skönt att slippa.
Nater90 on
Bloody hell that's alot of studs haha.
Doomgarlic on
Never got around to finish the studwork either, there are some spots over the Framtid logo that are too sparse.
Nater90 on
Damn more? Haha crazy.
Do you buy like 1000+ studs at a time for such projects?
Doomgarlic on
We bought in bulk back then, it was cheaper to buy 1000-packs from the US, postage included, than in Sweden. I think the price was 1/3 of the Swedish price!
T-skjort-Slaktarn on
Ja absolut, inne i stan här tog de en krona styck! Köpte man femtio stycken kanske man nästan hade fyllt en vinge. Man insåg ju ganska snart att det skulle vara ekonomiskt ohållbart.
Doomgarlic on
They raised the price to 1,50 here so it was a no go after that.
Nater90 on
Damn!! That's a lot of studs, do you pay import duties? We get 10% slapped on for overseas purchases here.
Thiellus on
Freyjawulf on
Fuck this is incredible, serious dedication!! Dread to think how heavy this is to wear hahah.
Thiellus on
Love that tribute to GBH!!! This thing must weight about 20 pounds haha
bad_american1992 on
Hefty and crusty! Love the Crude SS drawing man
Reaper on
Damn nice
Katafalk on
I guess nobody approach you in a mosh.