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Dead Kennedys Punk Battle Jacket

Cam Finnie
Mon, 29/01/2024 - 17:02

My 4th Battle Jacket that I've been working on slowly. This vest is all going to be Punk but some Crossover thrash bands will be added as well.

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2019
Dead Kennedys Punk Battle Jacket
Dead Kennedys Punk Battle Jacket

a chicken's picture

The world needs more battle flannels🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Cam Finnie's picture

right? I recently purchased a second flannel(Black and White) that I'll be making into a vest as well. I don't have any patches on it but I do have Ideas for it. And I know of only one other person that has one.

a chicken's picture

Awesome stuff, was never a flannel person myself but I respect the craft 100%, can't wait to see your next one🙏🤘

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