This is my first battle jacket I started when I got the denim jacket from primark at Christmas, it's been a real pain in my ass sewing all these patches on but it was worth it!
looks really good, i assume you're going to update it? id like to see that. i love these denim vests with cloth sleeves, so comfy, i finally figured out what to do with my sleeves on my bm jacket, im going to paint them
bad_american1992 on
Looks good!
ButcheredTorso on
Thanks dude!
DarkValkyrieofDeath on
looks really good, i assume you're going to update it? id like to see that. i love these denim vests with cloth sleeves, so comfy, i finally figured out what to do with my sleeves on my bm jacket, im going to paint them
DarkValkyrieofDeath on
also five flames because slayer ;)
ButcheredTorso on
Thanks man I will update just for you hahaha
Nater90 on
Can't go wrong with a Cannibal Corpse BP!!!