TShirtSlayer Heavy Metal Merch Gallery
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Misfits Horror Metal denim

Sun, 06/02/2022 - 15:41

DIY Godzilla back patch by my friend who do patches by acrylic colors.
Slayer metal pendant from local rock shop.
Frankenstein Hammer films - official patch.
I love 80's Horror - patch from local rock shop
Pins : Haggus, Misfits, Duke Nukem.
Pin with metalpunk dinosurus is my art.

Not for sale or trade
Misfits Horror Metal denim
Misfits Horror Metal denim
Misfits Horror Metal denim
Misfits Horror Metal denim
Misfits Horror Metal denim
Misfits Horror Metal denim

rimusoff's picture

Это тот самый Форбидден, который чуть не был смыт в унитаз господином И. Петровым?

Necroticus_UA's picture

Бля, Дисмембер мечта,сука) адовый куртец однако!!!!!! 💪

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