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Iron Maiden "Final Frontiers" bootleg t-shirt

Fri, 23/07/2010 - 04:35
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Year: 2010
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More: Iron Maiden TShirts Iron Maiden Patches

ultmetal's picture

BTW, though this is a cool Maiden shirt, it remains unworn because it's too big for me. I asked for a LARGE, they handed me and XL and I didn't look at it before walking off. I'd be willing to trade if someone has something worthwhile to trade for.

joeydabox's picture

$10 parking lot bootleg

ultmetal's picture

$15 but close. Sometimes parking lot bootlegs shirts are the best!

joeydabox's picture

Yeah. ok. If you say so. Still think you spent $15 too much.

He He He He

CultureOfNone's picture

I once bought a bootleg Metallica shirt for way cheap...the faces of the guys in the art DID NOT EVEN LOOK like Metallica to be honest, and I sold it on eBay with a pleasant profit. I even described it as being "weird" looking : D

ultmetal's picture

I'll probably list this shirt on Ebay as well since it doesn't fit. However, I don't think it looks bad at all. It actually looks just like some of the shirts they were selling for $45 in the venue. It's 100% cotton and is actually printed on the exact same shirts as the one my buddy bought at the merch table. To be honest, I often wonder if the so called "bootlegs" aren't actually the band making some extra profit outside the venue.

joeydabox's picture

Then I suppose they provide bail money to the sellers outside too. I saw 2 of the guys get arrested by the cops for selling the Merch.

joeydabox's picture

Not about Profit mate. It is about how shitty 95% of them are made. Not to mention how shitty they look. There is a reason they cost $10 - $15 in the parking lot. Becasue they SUCK. Take this one for example. Look how the print is off center. And that front Graphic with "Iron Maiden" overlapping, that is just plain cheesy.

ultmetal's picture

Thank you oh masterful connoisseur of fine t-shirt art.

joeydabox's picture

I believe my collection can speak for itself.

ultmetal's picture

I'm just yankin' your chain bro. Obviously my attempt at humor didn't work. I know this is a bootleg shirt. I also know they are cheaper looking than the $40 shirts.

joeydabox's picture

I understand about cheaper merch. i think it is outragious what they charge nowdays.

$35 - $45 a shirt. Come on. BTW I added u to my buddy list.

ultmetal's picture

Exactly and thanks.

ultmetal's picture

This shirt is TRADED!

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