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Collection of the albums until 1990, everything after that is coming soon. Still looking for Banzai pressings.
Hail high the sign of the black mark and of doom...
nice! Those banzai pressings are pretty hard to come by, and when they do pop up theyre quite expencive. I have a few friends who own them, but paid a hefty price.
impressive collection!
Nice collection!
Hail the Hordes!
DAMN!!! All hail the goat!!
ManOboy on
nice! Those banzai pressings are pretty hard to come by, and when they do pop up theyre quite expencive. I have a few friends who own them, but paid a hefty price.
impressive collection!
vomitoxic on
Nice collection!
Angel of Sodomy on
whiteravenmetal on
Hail the Hordes!
Der Todesking on
DAMN!!! All hail the goat!!