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Gehenna First Spell Patches

Wed, 12/04/2017 - 08:41

I'll be using one for my vest and saving the second for a vest I have planned in the future, but probably distant future since I'm currently starting my thrash metal/general metal vest. If you haven't listened to the album, do yourself a favor

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2016
Gehenna First Spell Patches
Gehenna First Spell Patches

PatchThePlanet's picture

Great patches, classic album, full flames

Fimbulvintr's picture

I'm just surprised that they haven't sold out yet to be honest man, they're really good quality,

Isaac Chroner's picture

Great Album Great Patches!

Fimbulvintr's picture

I got these from Into The Abyss, budt I think that they may have sold out

RuhrpottKomplott's picture

Once you decide on selling them, expect to have your account massively flooded ;)

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