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Electric Wizard 'Legalise Drugs And Murder' Patch

Mon, 12/02/2024 - 12:39

From Mextremista on Ebay.

Not for sale or trade
Electric Wizard 'Legalise Drugs And Murder' Patch

Velkaarn's picture

I've been thinking about getting this from them as well, are you pleased with how it looks when you received it? It's woven, is it?

intothevoooidd's picture

Yep woven, it's a bit on the thinner side which I honestly prefer, jackets tend to get stiff as hell after enough sewing 👍

Velkaarn's picture

Oh, that's true! The current one I'm finishing is starting to feel like armour. I'll order one after next weekend's fest then, thanks!

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Recent Comments

  • Holy shit that's nice!
  • Great shirt.
  • I'm interested in this t-shirt
  • Official ?
  • Indeed, it is: https://depop.app.link/8vAcEX81OQb
  • The b/w rubber patch on the back or the Slice of Doom in the front?
  • Yeah gonna repost it mb lol
  • Thanks! 🤘
  • Those rubber ones are beaitiful, good luck on the search man🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • Incredibly beautiful with the bend logo!
  • Very cool! Grey colour fits great.
  • Sick reverend bizarre patch where’d you get it?
  • Da finde ich so viele meiner lieblingsbands wieder. Richtig schickes teil! + Top Geschmack
  • Thanks, bro. The bat is actually printed, I'm not that much of an artist)
  • I know! When you're on the hunt for something, it rarely turns up.
  • I wish I had the talent to do this kinda stuff! Looks amazing 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥