Black Sabbath Battle Jacket - Back
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jdubz666 on
wheeew... love that motley crue album... Where's the motorhead?
Tiny logo patch between Blind Guardian and Sepultura.
Balanaar on
I have some motorhead patches on, but not on the back.... maybe i have to fix this issue .....
Nater90 on
Awesome taste in tunes mate.
I like what you did with the Tokyo Blade!
sludgepope on
this looks cool as hell. love the chaotic look!
sludgepope on
this looks cool as hell. love the chaotic look!
ThE_ED on
Wow, love that Stained Class Priest Patch!
Pyro on
Where did you found this fucking Crisix :O
Balanaar on
I did it on my own, pls check my gallery. If you want one pm me :)
SebastianSteel on
hi cheers from colombia just a question
SebastianSteel on
hi cheers from colombia just a question how do you sew the patches to the thread is not seen in the border of the patches?
ThE_ED on
When I do that, I use normal stitches just inside the border. So you're not stitching óver the coloured border, but just make a straight line alongside it.
(More or less: ---------- instead of ///////)
SebastianSteel on
hey ed thanks for answer /,,/
Daniel Sodomaniac on
Alot of cool bands great!