Just the back of my armor. Primarily fantasy/epic/folk metal based. The front will probably be more thrash/speed metal types with the occasional black metal patch.
Interesting set of bands. Never thought they made lotr patches. Will there be other tolken referenced bands, such as marduk (those of the unlight), gorgoroth, cirith gorgir, cirith ungol, darkthrone, etc, see youve got isengard and amon amarth (mount doom!)
BeheadingN on
Nice LOTR patches!
Cannibal corpse fan on
I like it. 5 FUCKIN FLAMES
ShieldbitersValhalla on
So fucking awesome!
ShieldbitersValhalla on
Especially the top right circle patch. So great.
zak.the.terrible on
Skunkspritz on
This makes me wanna watch The Lord of the Rings! XDD I dunno why?
xKennyx on
Thanks dudes! Pretty stoked to start working on the front!
Corey on
Lord Of The Rings!! AWESOME!
Phosphorous_Redeemer on
Interesting set of bands. Never thought they made lotr patches. Will there be other tolken referenced bands, such as marduk (those of the unlight), gorgoroth, cirith gorgir, cirith ungol, darkthrone, etc, see youve got isengard and amon amarth (mount doom!)
xKennyx on
That's the thing about black metal. Everyone wants to take their name from Tolkien!
BlackMetalTommy on
Amon Amarth!!! LOTR!!!!! 5 FLAMES!!!
FarFarNorth on
AMAZING... layout, placement, stud work, patches' colors playing off one another, and of course the bands. Thyrfing FTW!
I just saw this vest in the "recently voted" slot, apparently some troll just gave it one flame, what the fuck.
FarFarNorth on
And dude, what about the pic of the front of this vest?
BlueEyedBeast on
Sweet! Where did you get the LOTR patches?