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Metallica Patches from Paprika Jancsi

Sat, 20/10/2012 - 19:06

Patches I got from Paprika Jancsi. They are in excellent condition and fucking AWESOME!

I estimated the porduction year. Please correct me if the year is wrong, but I think it's a good estimated year.

Not for sale or trade

Year: 1986
Patch - Patches from Paprika Jancsi
Patch - Patches from Paprika Jancsi
Patch - Patches from Paprika Jancsi
Patch - Patches from Paprika Jancsi

vomitoxic's picture

Dunno about the MUYA-patch but AJFA cant really be from 86 :D

no karate in pit's picture

oh holy diver,there beautiful

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